發展低能耗、低污染、低排放的綠色低碳農業,變碳源為碳彙,是農業系統賦能碳達峰、碳中和的主要途徑。本人以國家生态文明和可持續發展戰略為指導,立足于東北黑土區,緻力于以典型農業廢棄物的定向轉化為人工碳基材料,并考察其在環境修複、土壤固碳以及黑土功能恢複等方面的應用。迄今,以第一作者/通訊作者在Research, Chem. Eng. J., Bioresour. Technol., J. Hazard. Mater., J. Clean. Prod.等學術期刊上發表相關SCI論文60餘篇,SCI他引10000餘次,h-index指數57;申請發明專利25件,其中授權發明專利15件,轉化1件;作為項目負責人承擔國家重點研發計劃子課題、黑龍江省優秀青年基金等項目10餘項;相關研究成果獲黑龍江省科學技術獎一等獎一項(第五完成人),二等獎一項(第二完成人),黑龍江省高校科技獎一等獎三項(其中第二完成人二項,第五完成人一項)。
2006.09~2010.06,哈爾濱工程大學,化學工程與技術專業 學士
2010.09~2014.06,哈爾濱工程大學,材料科學與技術專業 博士
1. 國家重點研發項目子課題1項,主持,在研
2. 黑龍江省優秀青年教師基礎研究支持計劃重點項目1項,主持,在研
3. 黑龍江省留學歸國人員啟動金1項,主持,在研
4. 黑龍江省博士後科研啟動金1項,主持,在研
(1) Zhang, Z.; Ai, S.; Teng, W.; Meng, X.; Li, R.; Yang, F.*; Cheng, K.* Artificial carbon materials’ impact on soil fertility and greenhouse gas emission. Journal of Soils and Sediments 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s11368-024-03756-3. 中科院三區,IF 3.6
(2) Xu, Y.; Li, Y.; Wang, G.; Zhang, M.; Peng, X.; Yang, F.*; Cheng, K.* Dual-use of sodium alginate to prepare sodium algenate -derived carbon dots sodium algenate hydrogel composite for Pb2+ removal. Applied Surface Science 2024, 654, 159416. 中科院二區,IF 6.7
(3) Lan, Y.; Gai, S.; Cheng, K.*; Liu, Z.*; Antonietti, M.; Yang, F.* Artificial humic acid mediated carbon-iron coupling to promote carbon sequestration. Research 2024, 7, 0308. 中科院一區,IF 11.0
(4) Jin, Y.; Yuan, Y.; Liu, Z.; Gai, S.; Cheng, K.*; Yang, F.* Effect of humic substances on nitrogen cycling in soil-plant ecosystems: Advances, issues, and future perspectives. Journal of Environmental Management 2024, 351, 119738. 中科院二區,IF 8.7
(5) Zhang, X.*; Su, S.; Ouyang, T.; Wang, B.; Cheng, K.* Synthesis of Fe3O4 nanocubes anchored in MgCo2O4 nanoneedle arrays for flexible all-solid-state asymmetric supercapacitor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2023, 48 (6), 2101. 中科院二區,IF 7.2
(6) Wang, G.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, H.*; Cheng, K.* Aqueous MXene inks for inkjet-printing microsupercapacitors with ultrahigh energy densities. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2023, 645, 359. 中科院一區,IF 9.9
(7) Wang, G.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, R.; Gai, S.; Zhao, Y.; Yang, F.*; Cheng, K.* Fire-resistant MXene composite aerogels for effective oil/water separation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2023, 11 (1), 109127. 中科院二區,IF 7.7
(8) Wang, G.; Jiang, N.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, G.*; Cheng, K.* Solvent-assisted assembly of reduced graphene oxide/MXene-polypyrrole composite film for flexible supercapacitors. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2023, 630, 817. 中科院一區,IF 9.9
(9) Jin, Y.; Zhang, X.; Yuan, Y.; Lan, Y.; Cheng, K.*; Yang, F.* Synthesis of artificial humic acid-urea complex improves nitrogen utilization. Journal of Environmental Management 2023, 344, 118377. 中科院二區,IF 8.7
(10) Ai, S.; Meng, X.; Zhang, Z.; Li, R.; Teng, W.; Cheng, K.*; Yang, F.* Artificial humic acid regulates the impact of fungal community on soil macroaggregates formation. Chemosphere 2023, 332, 138822. 中科院二區,IF 8.8
(11) Yuan, Y.; Tang, C.; Jin, Y.; Cheng, K.*; Yang, F.* Contribution of exogenous humic substances to phosphorus availability in soil-plant ecosystem: A review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 2022, 53 (10), 1085. 中科院一區,IF 12.6
(12) Wang, G.; Jiang, N.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, G.*; Cheng, K.* Free-standing 3D porous energy hydrogels enabled by ion-induced gelation strategy for High-performance supercapacitors. Applied Surface Science 2022, 604, 154636. 中科院二區,IF 6.7
(13) Liu, B.; Tang, C.; Zhao, Y.*; Cheng, K.*; Yang, F.* Toxicological effect assessment of aged biochar on Escherichia coli. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 436, 129242. 中科院一區,IF 13.6
(14) Liu, B.; Gai, S.; Lan, Y.; Cheng, K.*; Yang, F.* Metal-based adsorbents for water eutrophication remediation: A review of performances and mechanisms. Environmental Research 2022, 212, 113353. 中科院二區,IF 8.3
(15) Lan, Y.; Gai, S.; Cheng, K.*; Li, J.; Yang, F.* Lanthanum carbonate hydroxide/magnetite nanoparticles functionalized porous biochar for phosphate adsorption and recovery: Advanced capacity and mechanisms study. Environmental Research 2022, 214, 113783. 中科院二區,IF 8.3
(16) Kong, S.*; Xiang, X.; Jin, B.; Guo, X.; Wang, H.; Zhang, G.; Huang, H.; Cheng, K.* B, O and N Codoped Biomass-derived hierarchical porous carbon for high-performance electrochemical energy storage. Nanomaterials 2022, 12 (10), 1720. 中科院三區,IF 5.3
(17) Zhang, H.; Zhang, X.; Li, H.; Gao, Y.*; Yan, J.; Zhu, K.; Ye, K.; Cheng, K.*; Wang, G.; Cao, D. Copper niobate nanowires immobilized on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets as rate capability anode for lithium ion capacitor. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2021, 583, 652. 中科院一區,IF 9.9
(18) Sui, L.; Tang, C.; Du, Q.; Zhao, Y.; Cheng, K.*; Yang, F.* Preparation and characterization of boron-doped corn straw biochar: Fe (Ⅱ) removal equilibrium and kinetics. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2021, 106, 116. 中科院二區,IF 3.12
(19) Li, S.; Yang, F.*; Zhang, Y.; Lan, Y.; Cheng, K.* Performance of lead ion removal by the three-dimensional carbon foam supported nanoscale zero-valent iron composite. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 294, 125350. 中科院一區,IF 11.1
(20) Kong, S.; Zhang, X.; Jin, B.; Guo, X.; Zhang, G.*; Huang, H.; Xiang, X.; Cheng, K.* FeNb2O6/reduced graphene oxide composites with intercalation pseudo-capacitance enabling ultrahigh energy density for lithium-ion capacitors. RSC Advances 2021, 11 (51), 32248. 中科院三區,IF 3.9
(21) Zhang, X.; Chen, Y.; Yan, J.; Zhu, K.; Zhang, M.; Ye, K.; Wang, G.; Zhou, L.; Cheng, K.*; Cao, D.* Janus-faced film with dual function of conductivity and pseudo-capacitance for flexible supercapacitors with ultrahigh energy density. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 388, 124197. 中科院一區,IF 15.1
(22) Zhang, H.; Zhang, X.; Gao, Y.*; Zhu, K.; Yan, J.; Ye, K.; Cheng, K.*; Wang, G.; Cao, D. Rational design of N-doped carbon coated NiNb2O6 hollow nanoparticles as anode for Li-ion capacitor. Applied Surface Science 2020, 532, 147436. 中科院二區,IF 6.7
(23) Luan, Y.; Yin, J.; Zhu, K.; Cheng, K.*; Yan, J.; Ye, K.; Wang, G.; Cao, D. Arc-discharge production of high-quality fluorine-modified graphene as anode for Li-ion battery. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 392, 123668. 中科院一區,IF 15.1
(24) Li, S.; Yang, F.*; Li, J.; Cheng, K.* Porous biochar-nanoscale zero-valent iron composites: Synthesis, characterization and application for lead ion removal. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 746, 141037. 中科院一區,IF 9.8
1. 程魁,王貴欣,楊帆,徐雨鑫;一種用于高效油水分離生物相容性複合氣凝膠的的制備方法和應用;ZL202111543939.9;2023-09-15
2. 程魁,江傑濤,歐陽田,曹殿學,葉克,王貴領;一種锂離子電池負極材料CoP/C的制備方法;ZL201611024088.6;2019-4-12
3 程魁,歐陽田,曹殿學,王健,葉克,王貴領;浸漬重結晶碳化生物質制備過渡金屬複合雜原子摻雜多孔碳材料的方法;ZL201610265252.6;2018-08-17
4. 程魁,歐陽田,曹殿學,張旭,葉克,王貴領;一種用于超級電容器電極的碳布表面修飾改性方法;ZL201610293160.9;2018-07-31
1. 2020年12月,生物炭材料可控制備及其重金屬去除和電化學儲能應用研究,黑龍江省高校科技獎,一等獎,本人排名2/5;
2. 2019年12月,能源轉化與存儲電極材料及電化學性能,黑龍江省科學技術獎(自然科學類),一等獎,本人排名5/5;
3. 2018年2月,電化學能源器件中微納米材料的表界面和微觀結構調控研究,黑龍江省高校科技獎,一等獎,本人排名5/5;
4. 2015年12月,微納米結構3D陣列電極的制備及其電化學性能,黑龍江省科學技術獎(自然科學類),二等獎,本人排名2/5;
5. 2015年2月,微納米結構3D陣列電極的制備及其電化學性能,黑龍江省高校科技獎,一等獎,本人排名2/5;
6. 2017年3月,香江學者獎,本人排名1/1。
黑龍江省碳彙經濟協同創新推廣體系 主任專家
E-mail: chengkui@neau.edu.cn